Nora Eberli
Naturopath in Traditional European Medicine
I always had a strong connection with nature and am fascinated by the healing power of plants, nutrition, sleep and physical exercise. The mental-emotional balance, the water, the breathing, the sun's rays. . . all have an impact on our health and well-being.
And then there are all the "natural remedies" such as plant extracts, various water and heat or cold applications, scents, sounds, touch. . . which are almost always freely available to us.
Why not use all this to one's advantage?
How can we use them in everyday life to promote health and well-being?
How can they be adapted to the individual's situation?
Fascination for the natural sciences such as biology, human physiology, pathology and pharmacology has complemented the field of interest and forms the indispensable basis for my work.
If all this appeals to you, I would like to accompany you on your way to a better understanding of how your body functions and to more independence and autonomy, so that you can take your health and well-being more and more into your own hands with simple, natural and effective means.

Learn to understand the language of your body. Give your body what it needs and it will heal itself!