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Nora Eberli

Integrative Naturopathy


Naturopathy - Traditional European Medicine 

Naturopathic medecine aims to balance o bodyfunctions by natural means and thus activates the body's self-healing processes in order to improve physical and psychological health and well-being.

My approach


In my professional practice, I rely as much as possible on current scientific knowledge, which ai then individualize and complement with empirical experiences and ancestral wisdome.


Natural medicine as well as conventional medicine each have their strengths and weaknesses. It is by choosing the right discipline at the right time and by combining the two when necessary that the best results in terms of health and wellbeing are achieved.

This is why I favour interdisciplinary work with physicians and other therapists whenever it seems beneficial for the patient. 


My goal is to give you all the tools you need to be as autonomous as possible by explaining the links between your lifestyle choices and their impact on your health.

My approach is benevolent, respectful and non-judgmental. I adapt myself entirely to your requests and needs of the moment.

My Techniques

lifestyle medicine

Through diet, movement and mental and emotional balance alone, health and well-being can be improved considerably and sustainably. I will gladly accompany you to a healthy lifestyle with personalized advice.

natural medicine

Other natural techniques proposed are

  • herblal medicine

  • natural remedies (micronutrition, catalytic remedies, etc.)

  • manual techniques such as reflexology, massage or cupping

  • contact with natural elements: exposure to the sun, contact with the earth, breathing pure air and application of water for therapeutic purposes

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